
Site salutes your high school death metal band

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To Those Who Tried To Rock is gradually compiling an archive of short-lived, failed, and otherwise ill-fated bands you never want to hear but would probably enjoy gawking at over actually working on that power point presentation. Also, if you're a member of that vast, not-so-secret world of people who played in a high school rock band, this will be sort of like looking back at your own stabs at the great rock 'n roll standard in the sky without the horror.

Apparently there are ambitions to one day turn the collection into a coffee table book, but until then, enjoy some excerpts.

Only One

Only One

“We formed during Freshman year at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (Central NJ). We had three guitarists, and a drummer, and a lead singer who still had his braces. We attempted to come up with names in a variety of ways using scrabble letters to help conjure some good words,” of which Only One was the winner.

Pogi Brown

“[Andrew] Pogany admits their success was based on a simple equation: Lyric thuggery + musical imprecision = Pogi Brown (cover your ears.)… The band's days were numbered. In classic rock 'n' roll fashion, Brown's manipulative girlfriend broke up the duo.”

Pogi Brown, “Nice Boy”

Til Two


“Our singer was so nervous that he remained behind myself and the guitarist the whole time (in the picture, you can see his shoes). I kept it steady, feeling the shots that had been taken earlier…and had a blast inside the rock and roll moment….one of the only two stage moments of my teens. And then it was over.”